sigghhh......><"......its almost 6 in da morning but yet i still cant fall asleep was a sad sad nite for me TT............ being scolded by 2 ppl by calling me dun pissed them off with wad i had done ><"......i always get ppl pissed off by doin da wrong thing? m I? i think, i m ><" I m so fucking gonna kill myself as being stupid again n again n hurt ppl around again n also again....TT
sigh sighhhh........feel so much despressiiooon . get bored of my life recently....24H sitting infront da PC n face all dos asssignments, and few day more, i gonna face all dos boringg slide TT......but still i m goin to finish up 1 series of hongkong drama soon, wondering why ><"".....asssignments, final exam, gathering, work, papa rushing me booking air ticket bek hometown...everything jz keep come n go, come n go in my mind ....I still failed to arrange my time n get all thing done.....when only i can have a peaceful mind n enjoy all da time by myself TT..... I really duno how 2 make decision wisely .......><"...all da time i jz keep dragging n dragging....
btw...i really need to thanksss my superb housmate, ben for accompany me all da nite time at balcony, talking ,crapping n laughing XD I really feel much better after it .......luckly I really hate myself when i get into depresssion...shittie feeling !!!
Oh yeaa...why i m blogging in english? its jz becoz..i feel like blogging in english right nw ..muahaha...><"" i can type much faster...n can crap as much as i can..Muahahahahaa...... [ gonna crazzzie soon ]
6:16a.m ....mayb i shud try my best to sleeep..or else.......i will get up really late 2ml n it will seriously slow down my installation CD design progress........ntietnie TT
Multimeter Reads 1 For Voltage
3 months ago