Was going to accompany hongyi to pavilion for Mi survey, but end up going sunway alone to meet up with sin, ben n wongping -_-" ** clap for myself as I manage to drive alone all the way to a not-SK-area-place …kakaka…**
Sunway was crowded, I get stucked at the entrance of the parking lot, hell lots of people as the coming day is the public holiday. Do some shopping alone before meet them up at zenmai, yea, zenmai again!!! I was like having zenmai as my lunch or dinner for more then 3 times per week.OH MY GOD, I was freaking in loveeeeee deeepply trulyyyyy madllyyyyy v zenmai :D
After dinner, was waiting at starbuck for the ROXY manager to pass me the ROXY info. **thankssssss him a lot a lot and alottt **
Very randomly, went to cocobana’s pub for drinks after that, but not so sure its cocobana’s pub anot, as it just located beside cocobana , so we assumed it that way :D
fall in love with the DJ and the music that night, one tower by own tower of Heineken. Truly enjoyed the whole night :D sometime drinking in pub is more comfort and relax compare then inside the club, perhaps the feel is totally different. In pub, we chit chat, we enjoy, in club, we jz simply GET HIGHHHH !! :D hahahaa….
**looking forward for the coming xmas celebration, yohoooooo :D **
Multimeter Reads 1 For Voltage
3 months ago
wow whos the girl in the last pic?
bennet ng ><" dun fake fake here ar.** slap**
errrrr i wanna go i wanna join......
hahhaa....ciben jia jia....nex time we go again k? n play the same game...HAHAHA
omg!!! lee shyyi... sorry to say that.. the last photo scared me.. like ghost... .-.-
hahahahahaa...dun like dat ler.later ben sad..his liang foh laii :P
what is liang foh?
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