19th JanWe had planned to have a road trip few days be4 at D village and yey~~~ its sucesss!!Wahahah…
after breakfast, 3 cars were heading to our destination, Suria Resort at Merang, While da another car was departing at 2p.m…sigh..its all becoz of me..><”” as my mum asked me to stay back at home to look after da worker who came to cat cat my home TT….wuaaaa…..cz during dat time, there wasn’t anybody there in my home. Thanks minglong ooipin n yongkeong for waiting me **
Aiting, kongshuen, khayinn, shufen, minglong, yongkeong, zhiming, Vincent, kahseng, ooipin, boonkeat, yijia, shinnying, Daniel, n me...15 of us finally gathered up at around 3 p.m..yyeahyeahh:D
We went for beach volleyball after dat, all dos school representative volleyball player r still as strong as b4…pui fuk pui fuk...cool match after all …n yea..i m so much kelefe n cacat inside da team…wahaha…:D
went for swim after da volley, bt so bad I m a noobss in siwmming, thus, ooipin, daniel, minglong n me took a stroll along da beach .
Its was raining during nite time, so…we stayed inside our room n play GAME!!! Wahahaha….had taken quite some so-called 18asssaxx photos during da KING GAME….hiak hiak hiak…..all of us jz keep on laughing n shouting, till some of them had lost their pretty voice ><”
After da craziiiee section, here come da sentimental section…….even we r playing truth or dare, bt most of us had choose truth, as for DARE, we had simply lacking of idea after da crazie KING GAME ><”…yea..its kinda nice moment for us, as all dos old memories had recall bek in our mind, happie one, sad one , crazie one, but no matter wad, da bond between us r still as strong as b4, and mayb stronger :D
Drink drink and kenggai till 6 sumthing in da morning. Even we had booked 3 room, bt end up everyone mix 2gether n tido dengan nyenyak sekali ><"
On da way bek home, we stopped at a well-known Chinese stall to have sum food and khabar everyone after a well rest, 2ml yamchar again!! Yohooooo..
Simply hearttt u guys alottt :D da bestiess in my life :D
on da way goin ^^
fenfen ^^
emo nyaa><
volley volley
pin v me XD
in da roooom
us us
Carefree n lovely trip – end -