yey~ finally i can post up maii 20th burfdeei post , eventhough it was over XD
30th decemeber, once i woke up, i recieved chiew wei wing's birthday greeting message...><"" i duno i shud b happie or angry, happie cz he is da 1st to wish me , angry cz he make wrong v da date of my birthday><""".......hahahahahaa.........anyway, thanksss baaaa offense, he is blur n funnie sumtime XD
As usual, rushing my final assingments till 7 p.m.
7:pm, went out v one of my fren, Nick......he was being so damn weird all da way when he was driving, seems like he was driving without direction, simply turn here and there..simply stop here and there.....yea...i was sked.....sked he was juz making fun on me ><""" Finally, we stop by PUCHONG's SHABU SHABU...GOSH!!!....... i saw kong at da very 1st time, i was!!!!! ><" when i stepped closer to him....i saw EVERYONE!!!! gosh gosh gosh....everyone was there........!! suki, esin, bernerd, raymond, Gan, seemin, apple, gary, haoseng, bennet, wee, ooishin, chyi, qiurong, saykhai, wongping, ah yean, elyn, ah yao and honggyii.....!!
weeehhh...u guys da acting damn good !!! bt most of da most...MILLION THANKS for u allll XD.....thanks for da burfday song, thanks for da wish, thanks for da gift, thanks for da cake, thanks for da meal ...n thanks for comin even i know eveyone was bizzie v final assignments and exam =P
Multimeter Reads 1 For Voltage
3 months ago
got da sofa.
gosh...the intro on previous post was like something big is coming soon.
who knows..a post like this.
chaow..sofa sit long also no feel.
cannot tell who am i.
wad?! i nt yet complete dis post 1 i felt so muchh lazzie on da half way..wahahaha =P
Happy belated birthday!!
yeyy..thankssss baaaaa XD
yerr~~ U forget me d ... T__T
OMG><"!!...u know wad...i jz think bek during our kl trip..though wana come bek n faster add ur name in..mana tau..laaaaa.u discover d TT..sob..wahahahhaa=P
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