Goin bek cyber soon….feel so much ………..arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………TT….weird case, dis time I totally dun feel like goin bek at all..AT ALL, normally I will be counting da days to be bek to cyber, when u guys r nt comin bek here v me ><””…..
Goin out everyday everynite, badminton, yamchar, road trip, everything………having so much fun v whole bunch of u guys….even DANIEL da dai lou had sucessully influenced by all of us n bcome so so so much sampat………wahahahaa……..laughter everywere when u guys r around :D
Yey…i gonna come come COME bek again on 3rd…..remember wait for me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa XD
but after cny... =(
Khayinn is goin bek korea, shufen is goin bek Melbourne, aiting is going bek new zyland,yijia is goin bek perth…….soon………..and yes ,after graduate, everyone has to work….really wondering is there any chance to gather up everyone again n have another nice n memorable road trip n all dos small small section da ycycycycc ..sigh sigh..bt anyhow…….we r having our good time 2gether, no matter were and when…becoz da true freinship among us will never gonna fade away :D
Love u all….
Multimeter Reads 1 For Voltage
3 months ago
yiiii.. mana itu gambar semua?
tu...dah upload kannn :D
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