LIFE with
NO assingments n exam : woke up at 4pm , eat lunch, continue sleep till 8pm, eat diner + supper at 12am, by dat Ray n Gan create a name for called "Dinper = dinner + supper "...><""....hanging n crapping around.....
7:41am...still chating v both my housmate,sin n ben......><""
............wad an abormal life.......v whole bunch of abnormal frenss.........n an abnormal me as well......><"""'
haha, in french, C'est la vie! (it is life). haha no assignment need enjoyment... so have to play hard!
C'est la vie~ C'est la FCM~ C'est la FCM vie.... wahha.. correct mah? (it's life, It's FCM, it's FCM life...) loz loz.. we 2.00 pm just wake up..haha,..hugz shyyi.. i not yet brush teeth wash face u ask me read your blog liao..hhahaha
show off........ish....
wad worr..everyone having holideeeii maaaaaaaaa......wahahahah =P hard play harddd right nw:D
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