I was really outdated as i never been to Pavilian before TT..sobb.... I was superbb excited when hongyi suddenly suggested dat we went Pavilian to study, yea....its STUDY><""....tml they r having their exam.....bt i m free from it coz i was not taking dat subject during dis semester XD
7p:m :It was raining superb heavily outside. "NO fuck", dats wad they said......><"" so...we drove through da BIG raindrops to our destination . Anyway, i was being like an ah ma all da way long, keep reminding hongyi to drive slower, drive carefully or wadsoever loso stuff....sigh....i m really getting a litttle litttttle bit older after my 20th burrfday ><"""
YeaY!!! we arrived Pavilian safely n thanks to the new PUTRA-KL highway, we jz took a short while to arrive. arrrrr!! Pavillian is freakkking cool n BIG ..... finally i understand y cindy like to shop there soo much, all our fav store are all around~~ yeah~~ through a sms, we promised each other to shop for new year cloth there XD
after all da shops in Pavilian were closed, we went STARBUCKS as they have to start studying for their exam, so potong stim afterall...ahaha><"" Pavilian's STARBUCKS was fulled v ppl...so we went to da nearby STABUCKS which located opposites Pavilian. .......guess wad......same people, same place, bt different view ><" yea....we 3 ppl were so automatically sat down at da place which same v da last time when we came. wad da diff is, da view....as there is 1 brand new building infront us, its pavillian for sure.><".......
4 olock midnite, balik tidoooo XD enjoy da nite alot, enjoy KL nite view da MOSTT!!! ^^
Multimeter Reads 1 For Voltage
3 months ago
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